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Welcome Home Shakaboona!


Thank you to everyone who has supported Shakaboona and everyone who came out to celebrate his homecoming! From within the confines of a prison cell, Shakaboona co-founded HRC’s The Movement magazine and the Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration (CADBI). He’s held numerous leadership positions: VP of the PA Lifers Association at CI-Huntingdon, Committee Chairperson of the NAACP Graterford Branch, President of the Paraprofessional Law Clinic at SCI-Graterford, and Secretary of the Regents Betterment Organization at SCI-Mahanoy. To date, Shakaboona has published over 120 commentaries on Prison Radio and was also a lead plaintiff (alongside Saleem and Mumia Abu Jamal) in ALC’s 2015 lawsuit that successfully overturned a state statute that would’ve silenced prisoner free speech and censored publications of incarcerated peoples’ writings.

Now Shakaboona is free, and he is the Executive Director of the Human Rights Coalition. He will continue to organize and advocate for the human rights of all oppressed people and our communities. Our movement has gained an invaluably powerful leader outside of prison walls, who unapologetically speaks truth to power. While the state continues to silence our friends, family, and comrades on the inside, our collective power is stronger than ever and we will never stop fighting for liberation.



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Human Rights Coalition

PO Box 34580
Philadelphia, PA 19101

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The Human Rights Coalition is a group of incarcerated people, formerly incarcerated people, and their family members and supporters who fight for prisoners' rights and lives.rg

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